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发布时间:2021-01-21 作者: 英语查

large 是什么意思

音标:[ lɑ:dʒ ]  


a large calibre gun 大口径炮。 a large garden 大花园。 a large room 大房间。 large and small sizes 大小尺寸。 be large of limbs 大手大脚。 a large family 多子女的家庭。 a large number 大批 ( = largenumbers)。 a large population 人口众多。 a large farmer 富农。 a large merchant 巨商。 have a large discretion 有广泛的决定权。 large powers 大权。 large units 大兵团。 a large heart 宽宏大量。 a man of large views 见识广博的人。 large tolerance 胸怀广大。 ★ large 在口语中不像 big 那样常用,也不像 great 那样含有“伟大”,“壮大”的意义。 as large as life 1. 和原物一样大小。 2. 〔戏谑语〕亲自,千真万确 (There he was as large as life. 他本人就在那里)。
大〔仅用于下列习语〕。 at large 1. 自由,随便;拉杂地,零乱地。 (He scatters imputations at large. 他乱讲坏话)。2.未被捕,逍遥自在 (Is the prisoner still at large 犯人还未归案么?)。3.全体;普遍;一般 (the people at large 一般人民)。4.充分,详细 (talk at large 详细讲)。5.未决定 (leave the matter at large 让事件无着落)。6.无固定职位[任所]的 (a gentleman at large 无职宫廷官吏;〔戏谑语〕无一定职业的人。 an ambassador at large 〔美国〕无任所大使)。7.〔美国〕(非某一选区而是)全州选出的 (a Congressman at large 州选议员)。8.笼统地 (arrangements made at large 笼统作出的安排)。
in (the) large 1. 大规模地。 2. 一般地。
4.【航海】顺风地 (sail large 顺风航行)。
by and large 从全体看来。 talk large 吹牛,说大话。
above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent; "a large city"; "set out for the big city"; "a large sum"; "a big (or large) barn"; "a large family"; "big businesses"; "a big expenditure"; "a large number of newspapers"; "a big group of scientists"; "large areas of the world"

in an advanced stage of pregnancy; "was big with child"; "was great with child"
同义词:big, enceinte, expectant, gravid, great, heavy, with child,

having broad power and range and scope; "taking the large view"; "a large effect"; "a large sympathy"

conspicuous in position or importance; "a big figure in the movement"; "big man on campus"; "he''s very large in financial circles"; "a prominent citizen"
同义词:big, prominent,

generous and understanding and tolerant; "a heart big enough to hold no grudges"; "that''s very big of you to be so forgiving"; "a large and generous spirit"; "a large heart"; "magnanimous toward his enemies"
同义词:big, magnanimous,

ostentatiously lofty in style; "a man given to large talk"; "tumid political prose"
同义词:bombastic, declamatory, orotund, tumid, turgid,

fairly large or important in effect; influential; "played a large role in the negotiations"

in a boastful manner; "he talked big all evening"
同义词:boastfully, vauntingly, big, boastfully, vauntingly, big,

with the wind abaft the beam; "a ship sailing large"

at a distance, wide of something (as of a mark)

in a boastful manner; "he talked big all evening"
同义词:boastfully, vauntingly, big, boastfully, vauntingly, big,

with the wind abaft the beam; "a ship sailing large"

at a distance, wide of something (as of a mark)

a garment size for a large person

Large is an English surname, with variants including, but not limited to Lardge, Lurge, and Larg. Its meaning is variable, though it may derive from the Norman French adjective, large (meaning "generous" or "big" [as in, "that's big of you", meaning generous, as well as large in size]), as it is found in the surname "le Large" in English records dating back as far as the 13th century.


1.That was a very large and whiskered man .

2.Only a few, however, amassed large fortunes .

3.The east possessed most of the large cities .

4.There is a large amount of literature available .

5.He wrote first in large clumsy capitals .

6.The problem bulks large in his mind .

7.Large tracts of wasteland have become a granary ...

8.The store keeps a large stock of goods for winter sale .

9.The balloon carried two large parachutes .

10.She was bulking large on his horizon .

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