| 1. | The resistance to him was momentary . 对他来说所受到的抵抗转瞬即逝。
| 2. | He stiffens in momentary panic . 他心里一阵惊慌,浑身不自在起来。
| 3. | He said, "defeat is a momentary thing. " 他说:“失败是一件暂时的事情。”
| 4. | Anger replaced that momentary scare . 愤怒代替了一时的恐惧。
| 5. | We are in momentary expectation of the arrival of you . 我们无时无刻不在盼望你的到来。
| 6. | The momentary relief was followed by worse suffering . 短暂的缓解之后接着是更为剧烈的痛苦。
| 7. | We see a momentary flash, and then the field is blank . 我们看到一个瞬时的闪烁,然后,视野中便是一片空白。
| 8. | A momentary hush; the orchestra leader varies his rhythm obligingly for her . 片刻的寂静,乐队指挥殷勤地为她改变了拍子。
| 9. | The diminished income was to him not even the source of momentary regret . 那笔减少了的收入对他说来,甚至片刻也不令人惋惜。
| 10. | Ashamed of his momentary pique, laurie squeezed the kind little hand . 劳丽握住那只善意的小手,对于自己心血来潮的牢骚感到很羞愧。