| 1. | The relationship between bone development , menarche and height spurt among male adolescents 月经初潮与身高突增关系研究
| 2. | A case - control study on psychological and social factors of urban girls with early menarche 月经初潮早发与社会心理因素关系
| 3. | Research on menarche and first spermatorrhea of students in guangdong province 广东省中小学生月经初潮与首次遗精年龄现状及趋势分析
| 4. | Women who have early menarche and late menopause are also at higher risk 同时,年纪较轻时开始有月经及年纪较大才停经的妇女也有较大机会患病。
| 5. | Breast cancer is more common among women who had early menarche and late menopause . age at birth of first child 年纪很轻便开始有月经及年纪很大才停经的妇女。
| 6. | Menarche occurred at 13 years of age and the menstrual cycle remained within normal limits until the onset of menorrhagia 月经于13岁开始,一直到发生月经过多症以前,经期正常。