中文翻译与英英解释 | n. (pl. krill) 【动物;动物学】磷虾。
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| shrimp-like planktonic crustaceans; major source of food for e.g. baleen whales
Krill are small crustaceans of the order Euphausiacea, and are found in all the world's oceans. The name krill comes from the Norwegian word , meaning "young fry of fish", which is also often attributed to other species of fish. |
例句与用法 | 1. | Whales don ' t eat clownfish . they eat krill 鲸不吃小丑鱼.他们吃浮游生物
| | 2. | Antarctic krill oil gelcaps , 500 mg each . how many do you take 南极磷胶囊每个含量500毫克。你一次吃多少?
| | 3. | Adelies feed on tiny aquatic creatures , such as shrimplike krill , but also eat fish and squid 阿德利以小型水生动物为食,比如磷虾,但有时也吃鱼和鱿鱼。
| | 4. | Krill , in turn , are a major source of food for many sea animals , including penguins , seals , and whales 依次,磷虾又是包括企鹅、海豹和鲸鱼在内的很多海洋动物的主要食物来源。
| | 5. | In the tank , this cichlid can be fed small feeder fish ( live or frozen ) , mysis shrimp , krill , and worms 水族箱内饲养的六间可以投喂小鱼(活鱼或者是冰冻) ,糠虾,鳞虾和面包虫。
| | 6. | Fish meal , corn gluten , wheat meal , krill meal , yeast , wheat germ , fish oil , spirulina powder , vimamin ? and mineral permix , glucan 鱼粉、小麦粉、磷虾粉、酵母、麦胚芽、鱼油、螺旋藻粉、复合维生素、矿物质、卵磷脂、葡聚糖等。
| | 7. | Fish meal , corn gluten , wheat meal , krill meal , yeast , wheat germ , fish oil , spirulina powder , vimamin and mineral permix , glucan 鱼粉、小麦粉、磷虾粉、酵母、麦胚芽、鱼油、螺旋藻粉、复合维生素、矿物质、卵磷脂、葡聚糖等。
| | 8. | The krill were growing better in the slope area than in the open sea area , and as far as the whole study area was concerned , they were under normal growing condition 调查期间普里兹湾海区大磷虾在陆坡区的生长状况好于深海区;而就调查海区这个整体来讲,磷虾的生长状况基本正常。
| | 9. | Krill meal , fish meal , squid liver powder , mussel meal , liver meal , brewer yeast , spirulina , wheat flour , seaweed powder , pearl powder , astaxanthin , - glucan , vitamin and trace minerals 磷虾肉,鱼肉,乌贼肝末粉,牡蛎肉,肝脏,啤酒酵母,蓝绿藻,面筋粉,海藻粉,珍珠粉,虾红素, -多醣体,维他命及微量矿物质。
| | 10. | Among them , euphausia pacifica , pseudeuphausia latifrons and p . sinica are dominant species that play a key role in the china sea . by means of the vertical slab polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis , genetic heterogeneity of three krill was investigated , in order to elucidate the genetic diversity and differentiation among them 全世界海洋中磷虾类近90种,中国近海磷虾类迄今已记录2科7属47种,其中以太平洋磷虾、长额磷虾、宽额假磷虾和中华假磷虾为主要优势种。