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发布时间:2021-01-21 作者: 英语查

khabarovsk 是什么意思




1.According to wwf , there are only some 450 siberian or amur tigers left in the wild , the vast majority of them roaring in the khabarovsk and primorky regions

2.Stands among seagulls on a mudflat during low tide . the ring on this bird ( no . 042 ) reveals that it has flown over 4 , 000 kilometres from khabarovsk in the north to winter in hong kong
根据套在鹳足上的脚环编号( 042 ) ,可知它是从西伯利亚的哈巴罗夫斯克飞来香港过冬,路途超过4 , 000公里。

3.I come from shanghai china , living and working in khabarovsk russia now . i like this beautiful city and lovely people , so wish to make friends to enjoy life together

4.Forest fires are currently raging across an area of 600 square kilometres south of the khabarovsk region and in northern and central parts of the primorsky region . strong winds increase the threats of rapid spreading of the fires

5.She chaired the alaska bar association law examiners committee from 1988 - 98 ; was a member of the alaska code revision commission from 1990 - 95 ; sat on the alaska pro bono panel from 1990 - 98 ; and was a member of the khabarovsk - alaska rule of law committee from 2002 - 04
她在1988 - 98年间担任阿拉斯加律师公会法律典试委员会主委;于1990 - 95年间担任阿拉斯加法规修定委员会委员;于1990 - 98年间担任阿拉斯加免费法律服务小组的组员;而且在2002 - 04年间担任伯力市-阿拉斯加州法规委员会委员。

6.Gland , switzerland - the fire brigades set up two years ago with wwf s support in the khabarovsk region , in far eastern russia , are leading the fight against a massive outbreak of fires in the habitat of the critically endangered siberian tiger , the conservation organization said today

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