| 1. | It practically severs the mediterranean . 实际上是将地中海分开。
| 2. | The rhone empties into the mediterranean . 罗讷河流入地中海。
| 3. | In the mediterranean the u-boats were also mastered . 在地中海,潜艇也被制服了。
| 4. | We passed through the gate which faces the mediterranean . 我们穿过面临地中海的城门。
| 5. | The central mediterranean was then closed to the allies . 当时地中海中部已与盟国隔绝。
| 6. | Cyprus , as you know , is an island in the mediterranean . 如你所知,塞浦路斯是地中海的岛国。
| 7. | The impact of the u-boats in the mediterranean was heavy . 德国潜艇在地中海的冲击力是沉重的。
| 8. | Below us the mediterranean tossed its breakers against the rocks . 在我们下面,地中海的激浪冲击着岩石。
| 9. | The danger range included the western mediterranean up to gibraltor . 危险地带,包括西地中海至直布罗陀。
| 10. | Stromboli rises 3, 000 feet above the surface of the mediterranean . 斯特龙博利火山高出地中海海平面3000英尺。