| 1. | The development moiety which is released upon heating is usually a mercaptan . 经加热释放出的显影抑制剂的部分通常是硫醇。
| 2. | Methods for determination of mercaptan in flue gas 烟道气体中硫醇含量的测定方法
| 3. | Standard test method for mercaptan content of the atmosphere 大气中硫醇含量的标准试验方法
| 4. | Deterinination of bivalent sulfur and mercaptan in basic residue 碱渣中二价硫及硫醇的测定硝酸银电位法
| 5. | New test method for the determination of ethyl mercaptan in lpgas vapor 测定液化石油气蒸汽中乙硫醇的新方法
| 6. | Workplace air - determination of methyl mercaptan - gas chromatography method 车间空气中甲硫醇的气相色谱测定方法
| 7. | - determination of mercaptan - sulfur in engine fuels ammonia - copper sulfate method 发动机燃料硫醇性硫含量测定法
| 8. | Standard test method for determination of ethyl mercaptan in lp - gas vapor 测定液化石油气蒸气中乙硫醇的标准试验方法
| 9. | Zt - 295a is a high efficiency mercaptan type organic stannumtin heat stabilizer . Zt - 295a为高效硫醇型有机锡热稳定剂。
| 10. | Distillate fuels - determination of mercaptan sulphur - potentiometric titration method 馏分燃料中硫醇硫测定法电位滴定法